Clubs At St Margaret's Hall

Why not join one of our regular hall users?

01304 851980

Baby and Toddler Group

Baby and Toddler Group (0-5 years)

Baby area.
Story and Rhyme time
Craft activities
Drinks and snacks for children and adults
Grandparents and childminders welcome.
Meets term time, Tuesdays, 9.30-11.30am.
Contact: Catherine Perry 07717503933
Or find us on Facebook: St Margaret’s Parent Baby and Toddler Group in Kent.

History Society

Founded over 40 years ago, this popular local society organizes a programme of monthly talks, including new research on the history of the village. Recent subjects have included the Village in 1940, Kent in fiction and how to do your own house history. We have over 100 members. The History Society also cares for over 12,000 historic photos, documents and maps of the village in the village archive many of which can be found on our website. Membership is only £14 a year or you can attend our talks as a non-member for £4. All are welcome. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month (except July and August) in the main hall at 7.30pm.
For further details please contact our Secretary at
See our Village Archive website with over 4000 images and a list of current talks at or on our Facebook site at

Baby and Toddler Group
Woman's Institute

St Margaret’s Woman’s Institute

The WI provides opportunities for all women to enjoy friendship, to learn and be entertained, to widen their horizons and collectively to influence national and international affairs. St Margaret’s at Cliffe WI offers a programme of interesting and inspirational speakers, together with a wide range of outings and extra activities – book groups, French conversation, philosophy, art, textiles, canasta, scrabble, walks, card making, darts, play reading – something for everyone.
We meet in the hall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, except August, at 7.15pm.
Contact: Hon. Secretary , Trish Evans, 01304 851962

Luncheon Club

The popular weekly lunch club is open to residents who have reached pensionable age. For £5 we provide a lovely two course meal prepared by our Lead Cooks and their teams of volunteers. It is a great place to meet up with friends old and new. The Luncheon Club meets in the main hall on Wednesdays at 12.20 pm. during term times only. For more information please email - or phone the organizer Mrs Margaret Scott on 01304 853055. We are at capacity at the moment, but you are welcome to put your name on the waiting list. Lunch club is a real success, a credit to the village, with fabulous meals and an antidote to loneliness for our elderly members.

Baby and Toddler Group
Baby and Toddler Group

Rock and Roll Club

Jive 50’s style at St. Margaret’s Hall with the Dover Rock & Roll club.
The Club was founded in 1992 and we dance at St Margaret’s Hall on pretty much every Wednesday evening throughout the year. Anyone is welcome to come along and join in the fun and we’re always happy to see new faces.
Singles are just as welcome as couples and you’ll always find a partner. It’s a great way to make new friends and enjoy real Rock & Roll music. If you’ve never danced before don’t worry if you want to come along come on a Wednesday at 7.30 pm we can help you with a short beginners lesson to get you started.
If Live Music is your thing, we have rock 'n roll bands every few months. Please feel free to contact us about this or check out our Facebook group for updates.
Times & prices: Wednesday 7.30pm - 11pm with our fab DJs £5
Saturday band nights 7.30 - 11.45 £10
Andrew Stevenson 07979 685517 or email
Also check out our Facebook page. Just search ‘Dover rock n roll club’ and come join the group for all the latest updates about the club.

Royal British Legion, St Margaret’s at Cliffe Branch

Events and activities with the Royal British Legion. You do not have to have been a member of the armed forces to join!
Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 2pm.
Contact Frances Hutley for more details 01304 852274.

Royal British Legion
St Margaret's Players

St Margaret's Players

We are a lively amateur dramatic society regularly performing popular plays, musicals, pantomimes and workshops in the hall. New members always welcome. See our website for details of the latest productions and up to date news about rehearsals and how to join us.
Contact details on their website.

St Margaret's and District Gardeners Association

St Margaret’s and District Gardeners’ Association (SMADGA), founded in 1912, is a friendly, sociable village organisation open to everyone, whether you're an active gardener or not. We organise traditional competitive horticultural shows twice a year (spring and summer), with classes for arts and crafts and home produce, as well as flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables. We have a thriving Green Buddies section and particularly encourage entries from children and young adults.
We also arrange a series of talks in the autumn and winter, some scheduled for the evenings and some for the afternoons Other annual events include a possible garden visit and a Christmas Dinner. Our Horticultural Shows are normally scheduled for the beginning of April and beginning of September depending on the availability of both the Village Hall and Judges. Annual membership remains at £5.00 per person (which includes children and grandchildren of members up to the age of 16). Members' entries are delivered to the Hall between 08.30-10.00am and the shows are open to the public from 2-4pm. Since the Covid 19 pandemic during 2020, we have seen an encouraging increase in our membership and attendance at our talks and shows.
In addition to our normal Facebook page, we have a private ‘Conversation’ FB group, which has proved very popular and has increased communication amongst our members. This can be joined by request to our email. We also have an Instagram page.
For more information contact us via the following:
Facebook: St-Margarets-District-Gardeners-Association

Garden Association

Monday Tea Dances

This is an afternoon social tea dance with a nice friendly atmosphere. We dance Ballroom/Latin and Popular Sequence dancing with Superb Music provided by Chris Housley.
Admission price is £4-00 including refreshments i.e. tea/coffee and biscuits.
Every Monday 2pm till 4.30 pm
Admission price is £4-00 including Refreshments i.e. tea/coffee and biscuits.
We are Listed on Are you Dancing webpage.
Contact: Chris Housley 01304 361273 Mobile 07889 302217

St Margaret’s Memory Cafe

On the first, third and fourth Friday of the month from 10am to 12pm.
The café is there for people living with and impacted by dementia and or memory issues and their carers. Come along and see what we do, stop and have a cuppa and a chat.
For queries just contact Liz Mc Naughton on 07904 803051 or email at



Fully equipped Kitchen

• Dimensions 6.6m x 3.8m (22' x 12.5')
• Two large catering ovens
• Dishwasher
• Double sinks
• Crockery and cutlery provided

Fully Licenced Bar

On Site Bar

Fully equipped & staffed bar

• Accessible from both ground floor venues
• Large range of alcoholic and soft drinks at good prices
• Trained staff
• Happy to provide additional named wines and beers if required

Equipment Available For Use By Hirers


Equipment for use by hirers

We have a range of equipment for use by hirers. This includes:
• Microphones and sound system in Main Hall
• Projector and screen in Main Hall
• Projector and screen in Channel Room
• Fairy lights in Main Hall
• New Lighting System.
Our recently installed DMX LED PAR Cans will add a Wow factor to your event. These discreet light fittings throw pools of changing coloured light onto the main dance floor. They can work independently via our controller, or you can link to your own system. Our technical team will be pleased to advise and assist
Please ask for details